Monday 23 February 2015

Our Class Coupons

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By Rendered Image   

Year 4 uses class coupons. You might be wondering what we mean by class coupons.  Well read on to find out.  Our class Rendered Image are not the kind that you use at the store, they are the Year 4 merits coupons.  You can earn a coupon when you get 16 merit signatures from Miss Lee.  There are lots of coupons like swap swap coupon that means that you swap your desk for the day.  Talent Quest coupon where you can share your talent with the class.  Brain break coupon that means you can choose a brain break for the class. The best coupon is the teachers desk coupon because you use Miss Lee’s desk for the day and Miss Lee uses your desk for the day. There are a lot of coupons to choose from!

What coupon would you like to use?


By James B, Benjamin and Michael

We are learning about dirt in Science. So far we know that dirt can be both smooth and hard. When it is raining the dirt sometimes becomes soggy. Soil is useful as it helps plants to grow and it protects the roots. Soil can be dark chocolate coloured. It usually has rocks and roots in it. Dirt is a natural material found in the earth. Dirt is considered “the skin of earth.” Dirt can be man made or natural. 

What do you know about dirt? Comment below with your answer

Friday 20 February 2015

Erin's spectacular piano playing!!!

Erin's spectacular piano playing!!!
By Declan & Erin

On Thursday Year 4 was lucky enough to listen to Erin playing the piano.  Erin finished a merit card and chose the ‘talent quest’ class coupon.  Erin played Gayment, Sonatina, Rhyme Time and one other song that Declan knows is called Canon. She played the piano in the music room. Erin played after lunch time and after that everyone clapped. Year 4 thought Erin is fantastic.  Miss Lee said that she is a very talented player. On the 16th of April Erin will take her piano exam.

What did you think of Erin's talent?

Thursday 12 February 2015

40 Book Challenge

The 40 Book
By: Brianna and Charbel 
Miss Lee gave the whole Year 4 class a challenge to read 40 books in one year! We were given a booklet to record the books that we have read. We have to read all different kinds of books.
Realistic fiction= 5
Fantasy= 3
Mystery= 3
Traditional literature= 2
Historical fiction= 2
Poetry= 3
Informational= 6
Biography= 2
Autobiography= 2
Own choice= 10

Miss Lee gave us this challenge because she wants the class to have smart brains.

Good luck!

What is your favourite book and why? Record your answer in the comments below.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Bulldogs Visit

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By Rebecca, Erin and James H

On the 9th of February Christ The King Primary School was lucky to have 2 NRL players from the Bulldogs to come and talk about eating healthy, drinking healthy and keeping your mind healthy.  We watched a movie about a girl doing healthy activities and eating healthy.The girl was playing sport, she was smart. She is doing a lot of activities to keep herself healthy. Then the bulldogs gave out prizes for good questions.  The bulldogs were funny and great to watch. Have a look at some of the photos we took.

Photos by Damien and James H

What do you do to keep yourself healthy?  
Comment below with your reply.