Monday 23 February 2015


By James B, Benjamin and Michael

We are learning about dirt in Science. So far we know that dirt can be both smooth and hard. When it is raining the dirt sometimes becomes soggy. Soil is useful as it helps plants to grow and it protects the roots. Soil can be dark chocolate coloured. It usually has rocks and roots in it. Dirt is a natural material found in the earth. Dirt is considered “the skin of earth.” Dirt can be man made or natural. 

What do you know about dirt? Comment below with your answer


  1. Dear James B,Michael and Benjamin i liked your blopost very much what i know about dirt is that worms live in it.

  2. Dear james B,benjamin and michael
    dirt is just piece of brown thing

  3. Dear Benjamin,James B and Michael,
    I love reading your blog post and did you know that creatures may live under dirt.
    Thanks from Erin

  4. Dear Benjamin,James B and Michael
    dirt can be hard or soft.

  5. Dear Benjamin,James B and Michael
    I know that dirt is soft if it is rich

    From Declan

  6. Dear michael , James and Ben
    I like what you had to say about dirt .It was fun reading it I hope to read more of your blog post.
    from ethan
