Tuesday 10 February 2015

Bulldogs Visit

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By Rebecca, Erin and James H

On the 9th of February Christ The King Primary School was lucky to have 2 NRL players from the Bulldogs to come and talk about eating healthy, drinking healthy and keeping your mind healthy.  We watched a movie about a girl doing healthy activities and eating healthy.The girl was playing sport, she was smart. She is doing a lot of activities to keep herself healthy. Then the bulldogs gave out prizes for good questions.  The bulldogs were funny and great to watch. Have a look at some of the photos we took.

Photos by Damien and James H

What do you do to keep yourself healthy?  
Comment below with your reply.


  1. Dear Erin, Rebecca and James H,
    Congratulation on having the first blog post. I play karate, basketball and soccer to keep myself healthy.
    Kind regards,

  2. Dear Erin Rebecca and James i keep my body healthy by eating fruits going to the park also doing karate hapkido and soccer.

  3. Dear Erin, Rebecca and James
    I enjoyed reading your blog post the, pictures were very good. l do swimming, play baseball, soccer and cricket to keep fit and healthy.
    Kind regards
    James B

  4. Dear Erin,Rebecca and James H Congratulations on the first blog post. i play tennis,swimming and play in the backyard to keep healthy
    Kind Regards

  5. Dear Erin,Rebecca and James H,
    Congratulations on your great blog post! I stay healthy by walking every afternoon.

  6. Dear Year 4,
    I like doing this blog post with Rebecca and James H because its a fun thing to do I really like what we did. I stay healthy by playing marshal up,swimming and playing piano.
    From Erin

  7. To Erin,Rebecca and James H
    I keep healthy by playing sport like bowling and cricket
    kind regards justin

  8. Dear Erin,Rebecca and James.H
    congrats on your first blog post woo hoo. I like playing soccer to keep my body up and running
    Kind Regards Noah

  9. Dear Erin,Rebecca and James H
    you guys are awesome you guys are lucky
    Kind regards

  10. Dear Rebecca,Erin and James H
    Congratulation on doing the very first blog post. I like kiwi fruit and oranges
    KInd regards

  11. to james,Rebecca and Erin

    good job for having a blog .I do karate and eat healthy food.

    from max

  12. Dear Erin Rebecca and James H,

    i don t like the bulldogs but it is good.

  13. Dear Erin,Rebecca and James.H
    Congratulations for making the first blog post.I keep healthy by taking a walk in the afternoon.

  14. Dear yr4 i hope you enjoy reading this first blog post me,Erin and Rebecca have made.I stay healthy by eat healthy breakfast.Kind regards James.h

  15. Dear year 4 I hope you like our first blog post
    thanks for all your replies .
    I keep healthy by swimming and eating healthy fruits

  16. Dear Erin,Rebecca & James H

    Good job guys being the first
    writer on the blog

    kind regards Declan

  17. also i keep my self healthy by swimming,soccer & ping pong

  18. A great recount of your the Bulldogs visit.
    Mrs Scola

  19. Dear Rebecca, James H and Erin,
    Good job on being the first students to make a blog post.
    Kind Regards

  20. Dear Rebecca,James H and Erin
    l think it was nice because it told you what to eat.
    Kind regards Justin

  21. Dear Rebecca,James H and Erin
    l think it was nice because it told you what to eat.
    Kind regards Justin
