Friday 20 February 2015

Erin's spectacular piano playing!!!

Erin's spectacular piano playing!!!
By Declan & Erin

On Thursday Year 4 was lucky enough to listen to Erin playing the piano.  Erin finished a merit card and chose the ‘talent quest’ class coupon.  Erin played Gayment, Sonatina, Rhyme Time and one other song that Declan knows is called Canon. She played the piano in the music room. Erin played after lunch time and after that everyone clapped. Year 4 thought Erin is fantastic.  Miss Lee said that she is a very talented player. On the 16th of April Erin will take her piano exam.

What did you think of Erin's talent?


  1. Dear Erin and Declan,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think Erin is a very talented player and I wish I could play like her. I think Erin must spend lots of time practicing.
    Kind regards
    Miss Lee

  2. Dear blog posters
    thank you for commenting on me & Erin's blog post
    I really appreciate people blogging on our page

    I think that Erin play was fantastic.
    From Declan Nguyen

  3. Dear Declan and Erin,
    your blog post was amazing good job guys
    kind regards

  4. Dear Erin and Declan
    Erin's piano playing is so cool
    kind regards

  5. dear erin and declan your blog post sound really good

  6. Dear Erin and Declan
    I really liked your piano playing
    kind regards

  7. Dear Declan and Erin your blog post was superb Erin is fantastic at piano playing.

  8. bear blog posters,
    thanks for saying great things about our blog i really enjoy my 2nd blog and my 1st one with Rebecca and James H.
    kind regards Erin

  9. Dear Erin and Declan
    on your blog post wos superb Erin is fantatastic at piano playing

  10. Dear erin and declan
    erin you are so talent you shoud do it for the whool school

  11. good job erin and declan

  12. good job erin you are the best piano player ever

  13. Dear Erin and Declan
    I thought that your blog post was really good,I think that Erin is really good. Good luck with your piano exam.
    from James B

  14. Dear Erin and Declan
    I liked went you played the piano and i like your blog post.
    from Max bey

  15. Dear Erin and Declan i think you are pretty good at your piano, and gook luck for your piano exam

  16. Dear Erin and Declan
    I liked went you played the piano and i like your blog post.
    from Max bye

  17. Dear Erin and Declan,
    I really enjoyed your piano music songs.It was so good my head blew off.
    From Brianna.

  18. Dear Erin & Declan
    I really enjoyed listening to erin play & reading your post i think erin is fantastic
    Kind Regards
