Monday 23 February 2015

Our Class Coupons

Rendered Image

By Rendered Image   

Year 4 uses class coupons. You might be wondering what we mean by class coupons.  Well read on to find out.  Our class Rendered Image are not the kind that you use at the store, they are the Year 4 merits coupons.  You can earn a coupon when you get 16 merit signatures from Miss Lee.  There are lots of coupons like swap swap coupon that means that you swap your desk for the day.  Talent Quest coupon where you can share your talent with the class.  Brain break coupon that means you can choose a brain break for the class. The best coupon is the teachers desk coupon because you use Miss Lee’s desk for the day and Miss Lee uses your desk for the day. There are a lot of coupons to choose from!

What coupon would you like to use?


  1. Dear Isadora and Michael
    I liked your blog post on class coupons. The coupon I would like to use would be to sit a miss lees desk.

  2. Dear Michael and Isadora i loved the blogpost you did on class coupons. My coupon i would choose is gamemaster.

  3. Dear Isadora and Michael
    I enjoyed reading your blog post on our class coupons. My favorite coupon is the teacher desk.
    from James B

  4. Dear isadora and michael I think your blog is awesome i might get swap swap or teachers desk

  5. Dear Isadora and Michael
    I liked reading your blog post .
    The coupon I would use is the swap swap card.

  6. Dear michael and lsadora
    the coupon is swap swap,first out the door,couch,game master and toilet pass.

  7. Dear Isadora and Michael
    I appreciate the beautiful blog post
    & the coupon I would use is the Talent quest card.

    From:Declan Nguyen

  8. Dear Isadora and Michael,
    I love reading your blog post and I would rather get the talent quest card because I like to do piano exam on the 16th of April.
    Thanks from Erin.:)

  9. Dear Michael and Isadora
    great work keep it up
    kind regards

  10. Dear Michael and Isadora
    I love your blog post and I would like to use the
    Couch Coupon.

    From Declan Nguyen

  11. Hi Michael and Isadora.
    I thought your blog post on the class coupons was really good. My favourite coupon to use is the desk remover
    Kind Regards
    James B
