Thursday 12 March 2015

Our Compass Adventure


Vector Gratis: Brújula, East,We had a maths lesson on compasses. The class was split up in to groups of three. We were all given different jobs to do.There is the compass job, computer job and the camera job as well.
We were each given a compass, computer
SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain
and a starting point. We always have to follow the red line and not the black line. The starting point that our group was given was the garden outside the year 2  classroom. Our task was to find all the compass points from our starting location. 

Here is our presentation of our group's compass adventure.

What do you know about compasses?
What did you learn from our compass playground adventure?


  1. Dear james ,Benjamin and Erin
    compass has 4-8 point,does a compass a water?

  2. Dear year 4,
    Hi year 4 I injoyed doing this blog and Compasses are great you know.
    Thanks from Erin

  3. Dear James, Erin and Benjamin,
    I really enjoyed your blog post and my favourite was the slideshow.
    kind regards Brianna

  4. Dear James Erin and Benjamin
    l liked the coular of the wirting it was so epic but the think l liked the most was the silde show l think it was good be cause the pictures

  5. Dear James, Ethan, Erin
    Good job on your blog post
    kind regards max.

  6. Dear James Erin & Ethan
    I liked your blog post I liked your blog post i learned never to follow the black line and follow the red line
    Kind regards
