Wednesday 20 May 2015

Clean Up Australia

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Last Term we had Clean up Australia Day we cleaned up our school also putting new plants in the garden beds.We pulled out and dug up the unhealthy plants like weeds and planted new healthy plants in the garden beds to make our school look wonderful.We picked up rubbish around the entire school all of the classes picked up rubbish. Year 4 got one garden bed near year 5 year 2 got the garden near the classroom.We cleaned up our garden beds and we cleaned some rubbish on the side of the garden beds as well. We put new plants in our gardens and made it look awesome. We cleaned the whole school. We had a lot of fun cleaning up the school then we went in the classroom to learn about the first fleet and about Captain James Cook.


  1. Dear Noah And Calvin
    you guys are my friends and this blog post was amazing
    Kind Regards
    Damien Hilario

  2. Nice Job Guys!

  3. Dear Noah and Calvin,
    I liked your blog about clean up Australia day! It was the best blog about cleaning up.We should clean up very tidy.
    From Erin

  4. Dear Noah and Calvin
    your blog post was good
    from Max
