Wednesday 20 May 2015

Captain Cook Text Message

Rendered Image
By Calvin and Rebecca

Last term we jumped on the laptops and went in a website that Miss Lee emailed to us called iphone generator. In HSIE we have been learning about the First Fleet in Australia. Miss Lee gave us a challenge to create a text message that Captain Cook might have sent to his boss when he arrived in Australia if he had an iphone. So in our English books we wrote texts then we went on computers and got the iphone generator and wrote the messages in there. After we opened up slide and dragged to the new slide.Then under the bar we wrote our names. Then Miss Lee our teacher printed them out and hung them up in our classroom. We could choose any colour for the messages bubble as well.

By Christopher

By Charbel

By Daniel


  1. Dear Calvin and Rebecca i liked your blog post about the Captain Cook iPhone generator the best thing i liked about your blog post was that you showed me a new website to generate words.

  2. Dear Calvin and Rebecca,
    I really enjoyed your blog about what we had done for the first fleet,about captain James Cook the sailor.
    From Erin

  3. this is the third best blog post
    max out

  4. Cool messages guys I wish I had a real Iphone

    From Tyrese
