Tuesday 4 August 2015

Multiplication Pyramid

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In Mathematics we are learning about multiplication.  We made a multiplication pyramid!  We had to use our times tables to make it.  Our pyramid had 12 levels:
1 x 1 = 1
2 x 2 = 4
3 x 3 = 9
4 x 4 = 16
5 x 5 = 25
6 x 6 = 36
7 x 7 = 49
8 x 8 = 64
9 x 9 = 81
10 x 10 = 100
11 x 11 = 121
12 x 12 = 144

We used 650 blocks to make a multiplication pyramid.  We had lots of fun building our pyramid.  It was hard work.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Police Talk

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We had the police come to visit our school.  The police told us about cyberbullying and what you should do when you're in danger on the internet. They told us that sites are never free and be careful of social media never accept people who you don’t know. If you have Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram or many more social media if someone friend requests who you don’t know don’t accept it. You also need to be 13 or older for many of these sites.  We have been watching #gameon in class.  You can watch it here:

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Wednesday 10 June 2015

Thoughts about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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Year 4 have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.  Today we finished the novel.  Find out what some Year 4 students thought of the fantastic story:

Image from: http://childrensbooks.wikia.com/wiki/Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_Factory

Calvin's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book so far was when Charlie won the chocolate factory and he won a lifetime supply of chocolate, sweets, and any food they want.

This is my favourite part because Charlie lived in a poor house, but now he could live in the factory with his family and help Mr Willy Wonka make new inventions.

My least favourite character in the book is Augustus Gloop.  This is because he is rude, selfish, impatient, annoying, greedy, has bad manners, fat and he drank Mr Willy Wonka’s chocolate water when Mr Willy Wonka didn’t let him drink it.

Justin's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book was the bit when Veruca Salt was pulled by the squirrels and falls in the rubbish chute.

This is my favourite bit because the squirrels put her arms and legs down to the ground and puts her in the rubbish chute.

My least favourite character in the book is Mike Teavee. This is because he watches too much tv and buts in when people are talking.

Rebecca's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book was  when Veruca Salt the spoilt girl went down the rubbish chute.

This is my favourite bit because she deserved to go into the rubbish chute because she is really annoying.

My least favourite character in the book is Augustus Gloop.  This is because Augustus Gloop is really really mean and selfish. He is also very fat!

Christopher's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book so far was the bit when Mike Teavee  went into the TV room and shrunk.  This is my favourite bit because Mike Teevee has a lot of toys and likes TV like me.

My least favourite character in the book is Veruca Salt  because she asks for too many things.

Michael's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book was when Augustus fell into the chocolate river.  This is my favourite bit because he got stuck inside a undersized tube.
My least favourite character in the book is Mike Teavee because he disobeyed the rules shrunk inside the television.  This is because he watched too much television so his parents should throw out their television.

James H's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book so far was the bit when Mike Teavee shrank in the TV.   This is my favourite part because Mike was talking like a squirrel because he was the size of a squirrel.
My least favourite character in the book is Veruca Salt. This is because she is annoying and always gets what she want because of her mother and father.

Damien's Thoughts
My favourite part of the book so far was the bit when Augustus Gloop ate everything in the chocolate room and fell in the chocolate river.  This is my favourite bit because Augustus is as fat as a pig in mud and I like when I see him eating everything in the chocolate room.

My least favourite character in the book is Violet because she likes chewing gum and she's so bossy.  This is because she turned into a blueberry and hates sharing plus she hates boys and knows karate and she thinks she is the best person in the world.  

James B's Thoughts
My favourite part of the story was the bit when Charlie finds out that he will be able to own the chocolate factory when he gets old enough. This is my favourite bit because it makes you think about what happens after and you can finish the book off yourself and it could be anything you want.

My least favourite character in the book is Veruca Salt who is the girl whose mother and father give her anything she wants. This is because because she is spoilt and whatever she asks for she gets. They also give her anything she wants because if they don’t she screams at them all day long.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Confectionery Inventions!

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In Chapter 19 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory they saw the inventing room. Mr Wonka had found new inventions to let out in the shops. So all the children got a never ending gob-stopper. Year 4 was inspired by what Mr Willy Wonka did so we created our own creation.  Miss Lee printed out a saucepan and we let our creative mind blood flow and we made our creation and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Christopher, Isadora and Max

Here are some pictures:


Willy Wonka Pop Art

Rendered Imageby James H and Anthony.P  

Year 4 have been reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and on Friday we created some Pop Art of Willy Wonka.  Pop Art is where you have the same type of picture but there is different  colours on each one. These are some photos: May 22, 2015 2:37:02 PM.jpg

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Captain Cook Text Message

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By Calvin and Rebecca

Last term we jumped on the laptops and went in a website that Miss Lee emailed to us called iphone generator. In HSIE we have been learning about the First Fleet in Australia. Miss Lee gave us a challenge to create a text message that Captain Cook might have sent to his boss when he arrived in Australia if he had an iphone. So in our English books we wrote texts then we went on computers and got the iphone generator and wrote the messages in there. After we opened up slide and dragged to the new slide.Then under the bar we wrote our names. Then Miss Lee our teacher printed them out and hung them up in our classroom. We could choose any colour for the messages bubble as well.

By Christopher

By Charbel

By Daniel

Clean Up Australia

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Last Term we had Clean up Australia Day we cleaned up our school also putting new plants in the garden beds.We pulled out and dug up the unhealthy plants like weeds and planted new healthy plants in the garden beds to make our school look wonderful.We picked up rubbish around the entire school all of the classes picked up rubbish. Year 4 got one garden bed near year 5 year 2 got the garden near the classroom.We cleaned up our garden beds and we cleaned some rubbish on the side of the garden beds as well. We put new plants in our gardens and made it look awesome. We cleaned the whole school. We had a lot of fun cleaning up the school then we went in the classroom to learn about the first fleet and about Captain James Cook.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Our Compass Adventure


Vector Gratis: Brújula, East,We had a maths lesson on compasses. The class was split up in to groups of three. We were all given different jobs to do.There is the compass job, computer job and the camera job as well.
We were each given a compass, computer
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and a starting point. We always have to follow the red line and not the black line. The starting point that our group was given was the garden outside the year 2  classroom. Our task was to find all the compass points from our starting location. 

Here is our presentation of our group's compass adventure.

What do you know about compasses?
What did you learn from our compass playground adventure?

Monday 9 March 2015


By Damien and James H

We have been very lucky enough to have two NRL players come to teach us some skills about NRL.  
We played a lot of football games and skill building tasks.  We practiced kicks and did some low kicks, passed to each other.we were split into 3 teams Red, Yellow and Blue. We also talked about rules and tips about footy. After that we got to do some footy moves.

Did you enjoy our NRL sessions?  What did you like best?

Christopher’s Amazing Drumming!

Christopher’s Amazing  Drumming!
By Christopher and Tony

On Tuesday Christopher played his drum, it was great! It was a nice beat and it was very loud. Christopher played a Lebanese drum. Everyone was impressed and excited to see him play. The Lebanese name for the drum is terembakeh. It is an easy drum to play and it is lots of fun.

What did you think of Christopher’s playing?

Monday 23 February 2015

Our Class Coupons

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By Rendered Image   

Year 4 uses class coupons. You might be wondering what we mean by class coupons.  Well read on to find out.  Our class Rendered Image are not the kind that you use at the store, they are the Year 4 merits coupons.  You can earn a coupon when you get 16 merit signatures from Miss Lee.  There are lots of coupons like swap swap coupon that means that you swap your desk for the day.  Talent Quest coupon where you can share your talent with the class.  Brain break coupon that means you can choose a brain break for the class. The best coupon is the teachers desk coupon because you use Miss Lee’s desk for the day and Miss Lee uses your desk for the day. There are a lot of coupons to choose from!

What coupon would you like to use?


By James B, Benjamin and Michael

We are learning about dirt in Science. So far we know that dirt can be both smooth and hard. When it is raining the dirt sometimes becomes soggy. Soil is useful as it helps plants to grow and it protects the roots. Soil can be dark chocolate coloured. It usually has rocks and roots in it. Dirt is a natural material found in the earth. Dirt is considered “the skin of earth.” Dirt can be man made or natural. 

What do you know about dirt? Comment below with your answer

Friday 20 February 2015

Erin's spectacular piano playing!!!

Erin's spectacular piano playing!!!
By Declan & Erin

On Thursday Year 4 was lucky enough to listen to Erin playing the piano.  Erin finished a merit card and chose the ‘talent quest’ class coupon.  Erin played Gayment, Sonatina, Rhyme Time and one other song that Declan knows is called Canon. She played the piano in the music room. Erin played after lunch time and after that everyone clapped. Year 4 thought Erin is fantastic.  Miss Lee said that she is a very talented player. On the 16th of April Erin will take her piano exam.

What did you think of Erin's talent?

Thursday 12 February 2015

40 Book Challenge

The 40 Book
By: Brianna and Charbel 
Miss Lee gave the whole Year 4 class a challenge to read 40 books in one year! We were given a booklet to record the books that we have read. We have to read all different kinds of books.
Realistic fiction= 5
Fantasy= 3
Mystery= 3
Traditional literature= 2
Historical fiction= 2
Poetry= 3
Informational= 6
Biography= 2
Autobiography= 2
Own choice= 10

Miss Lee gave us this challenge because she wants the class to have smart brains.

Good luck!

What is your favourite book and why? Record your answer in the comments below.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Bulldogs Visit

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By Rebecca, Erin and James H

On the 9th of February Christ The King Primary School was lucky to have 2 NRL players from the Bulldogs to come and talk about eating healthy, drinking healthy and keeping your mind healthy.  We watched a movie about a girl doing healthy activities and eating healthy.The girl was playing sport, she was smart. She is doing a lot of activities to keep herself healthy. Then the bulldogs gave out prizes for good questions.  The bulldogs were funny and great to watch. Have a look at some of the photos we took.

Photos by Damien and James H

What do you do to keep yourself healthy?  
Comment below with your reply.

Tuesday 27 January 2015


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